Ex-Factor: Break-Up Call-In Show

Curated by Rob Blackson

three people sit in front of wall of plants discussing things with landline telephone next to them

Ex-lovers, ex-bosses, ex-friends, ex-jobs, ex-situationships… Maybe once you were rolling in the deep, you thought you had it all, but then there came a time to put on those boots and get to walkin’. 

Whether you partook in the great resignation or moved on from a relationship we want to hear your story! 

How did it happen? What lit the fire in your heart to move on? What wrecked it? When did you know it was time to go your own way? Were you torn? Did you cry a river? What did you feel in the aftermath? Relief? Catharsis? Joy? Numbness? Give us all the details!

Pick up the phone and share the coldest story ever told, your break-up story. 

Dial 1-833-3-WE-GOT-U to leave a message and get it off your chest! Tell us all about it!

Then join us for a live call-in show featuring Indira Allegra and Jesse Harrod, mixed by Danny Orendorff, with live musical accompaniment by David Underwood. Indira and Jesse will be supporting live audience members in sharing their break-up stories in this cathartic spin on a 90s call-in show. 

Can’t make it to the event? Call the hotline to leave a message now! Pre-recorded voicemails will be played at the live event in addition to live testimonials. By recording a voicemail, you consent to your message being played at the event. Call in now!